THE PORT CAMPBELL COMMUNITY GROUP. Email: info [at] for further information.

The Group works to educate, foster appreciation, and improve, protect and conserve the Port Campbell headland’s natural, cultural, social, and scientific values and the Port’s long heritage as a working port and access to the Twelve Apostles Marine National Park and Arches Marine Sanctuary and Heritage Shipwrecks.

The Group’s activities help educate, protect, enhance and sustain the coastal and marine environment. 
Key outcomes include:

  • National Trust ‘State’ listing for the Port Campbell headland.
  • Grants totalling $3400 from Corangamite Shire Council for revegetation, weeding and educational signage.
  • Compiled specialist information on geology of headland.
  • Compiled extensive data (photos, and videos) of Southern Brown Bandicoot (EPBC listed) and other species for Department of Sustainability and Environment (see web page).
  • Information stalls and fundraising at Port Campbell craft market (see attached).
  • Educational posters – geology, biodiversity, flora, fauna and bird life, Aboriginal heritage, European settlement, maritime and Great Ocean Road history – at the Port Campbell Board Rider’s Association 21th anniversary.
  • Gained support from wide range of community groups, and individuals, for revegetation works – Port Campbell: Board Riders, Environment Group, Play Group, Heytesbury & District Historical Society, RSL, Professional Fishermen’s Association.
  • Organised community working bees for revegetation and weeding which strengthened partnerships and community ownership (see attached).
  • Designed and erected educational signage depicting EPBC and FFG listed species that occur on the headland (see attached).
  • A participant in, and advertised, Clean Up Australia Day 2011- Port Campbell.
  • Conserving the war memorial reserve and painting the war memorial flagpole.
  • Instigated Purroitchihoorrong Award to celebrate Indigenous heritage for Port Campbell Board Riders Association – Award for a person who contributes the most to environmental preservation.
  • Submissions to: Victorian Environmental Assessment Council; Inquiry into the Environment Effects Process – Environment and Natural Resources Committee; Coastal Climate Change Advisory Committee Report; Planning & Act Review; Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry into Use of Public Land; Heritage Victoria; Federal Government – Meeting the Challenge of Coastal Growth. Discussion Paper, May 2006; Corangamite Shire’s Amendment C13.
  • Encouraged Parks Victoria to implement an arborist report of Kitty Lord’s 1911 Norfolk Island Pines to stop decline of pines.
  • Designed and created informative website: and car stickers to improve education on conservation issues.
  • Educational article in Beacon on doggy bags and distributed bags for Shire.
  • Newsletters submissions to Victorian National Parks Association magazine Park Watch.
  • $300 Donation to Skipton Lions Club for Flood Relief.
  • Guest speaker at Heytesbury Landcare 2007.
  • Tourism contribution – a member designed and created the shipwreck museum – now part of the Corangamite Shire’s Port Campbell Tourist Information Centre and completed and edited book ‘Tales from Australia’s Shipwreck Coast’ by Phillip Doak.